Thursday, September 20, 2012

10 reasons to get out of bed.

Face it folks, no one really likes to get out of bed. As humans, we would probably stay stay in bed all day if we could get away with it. Fortunately, God, nature and lifes' obligations have come up with ways to prevent that from happening, and here's a list of some of them.
  1. The part of your body you're sleeping on has became painfully numb.
  2. You were having a bad dream.
  3. You're really thirsty and you need a drink of water.
  4. You have to go to the bathroom.
  5. You're not sure if you locked the front door.
  6. Your cat/dog wants out/in.
  7. Your baby's crying.
  8. You have to go to work.
  9. Your house is on fire.
  10. You can't sleep your life away.
So, even though we don't want to get up you will feel a lot better if you do the things you need to do. And when you're done, you can always go back to bed!

If you think of any more reasons to get out of bed, please feel free to add your comments below. I would love to hear from you!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

My Behavior

I've been experiencing a very challenging situation lately that has me at my wits end. I've been railing and raving and ranting about it for months now and it hasn't helped one bit.
One day last week I woke up and I heard God say, "How has your behavior in this situation worked out for you?" I realized that what I was calling 'a string of bad luck' could very well be a result of my attitude toward whats happening around me. "How's that working out for you?"  It's not.
God said, "You cry out for me and bitch and whine and moan, yet you don't do any of the things that you need to do. You hardly ever pray, you don't read your Bible, you never spend any time with me and you don't go to church".
So, I have been really trying to change all that. I've been reading my Bible, I've been praying a little more, I went to church last Sunday where I sang and worshiped the Lord. I'm watching my words and thoughts. I realized that I often judge others and say things about people I don't even know. I was saying mean things on Facebook and Twitter. Not malicious things but not supportive things.
 I thought, "Who am I to judge others when I can't even manage my own life? What a hypocrite. No wonder I'm having such bad luck.
So, it's been ten days since then, and I have to say I feel a lot better now. The problem is still a problem, but I'm not so angry and I have hope that with God, the situation can get better.