Thursday, September 20, 2012

10 reasons to get out of bed.

Face it folks, no one really likes to get out of bed. As humans, we would probably stay stay in bed all day if we could get away with it. Fortunately, God, nature and lifes' obligations have come up with ways to prevent that from happening, and here's a list of some of them.
  1. The part of your body you're sleeping on has became painfully numb.
  2. You were having a bad dream.
  3. You're really thirsty and you need a drink of water.
  4. You have to go to the bathroom.
  5. You're not sure if you locked the front door.
  6. Your cat/dog wants out/in.
  7. Your baby's crying.
  8. You have to go to work.
  9. Your house is on fire.
  10. You can't sleep your life away.
So, even though we don't want to get up you will feel a lot better if you do the things you need to do. And when you're done, you can always go back to bed!

If you think of any more reasons to get out of bed, please feel free to add your comments below. I would love to hear from you!


  1. I'm a dedicated early riser now because I've wasted so much of my time avoiding getting up in the past. When I was trapped in depression and alcoholism I didn't want to get out of bed. Now I do! Life is too short to lay around,but there is nothing nicer than snuggling down at the end of the day :)

  2. Carolyn, that's kind of where this list comes from. I too suffer from depression and I used to sleep all the time.
